How to stay relevant in the information age

The digital revolution can be a double-edged sword: a powerful technological blade that can build or break relationships between businesses, employ­ees, and consumers.

In the tug-of-war between speed and cost containment on one side and our human need to feel connected on the other, loyalty, trust, and personal engagement are often the casualties. Here are three suggestions to make your enterprise more empathic:

“Cultivate listening and tolerance in your organisation. Making the effort to encourage listening and tolerance — and modelling these behaviours — will build empathy, trust, and motivation.”

· Make time for conversations. People want to be heard, and having genuine conversations is one of the best ways to build empathy and trust. But conversations require time, attention, and focus, and those are often in short supply. Make the effort.

· Consider empathy an element of your firm’s value chain. Where can technology be put to the best use, and where should human interaction and empathy be preserved? Empathy and trust are important differentiators in business, and they may be strategic assets in your value chain.

Today’s virtual world is demanding that we be flexible, quick to learn, and empathic. An adaptive approach to leadership, greater learning agility, and focused efforts to build empathy and trust will help you stay on the island.