Startup 101: 2020 A Covid Odyssey

It’s 2020, a worldwide pandemic has seized planet earth, holding humans against their will in lockdown… a zero-contact, social diaspora named ‘quarantine’. Imagine months and months going by, with this killer virus showing no mercy, taking lives, and wreaking sickness on all that come near. No, this is not the synopsis for “2020: A Covid Odyssey,” this is our reality…

Dramatics aside, one thing we can thank this awful villain for is the fire its lit in so many butts, leading to a record number of startups and new businesses being formed over the past months. It’s well documented that passed recessions were at least partially responsible for launching some truly iconic businesses; from AirBnb, Groupon and Whatsapp to IBM, FedEx and Microsoft. As we draw closer to what appears to be another great depression, we can see more entrepreneurs taking the bold step into the unknown world of ‘Start-ups’.

If you can relate, these tips could be just what you need to get started and achieve for your goals.

1. Learn In beast mode

Ascend to the heights of your potential by learning more, asking more questions, and become a real expert in your chosen area. Make the acquisition of knowledge and growth your never ending pursuit. Read books, listen to audiobooks, watch youtube videos, get on to Udemy or Skillshare, download guides and worksheets — absorb information, but be smart and selective about the information you consume, your time is precious.

2. Get to really know your audience

Your audience is your MVP — treat them with love, give them attention and make sure you cut out the guess work by really getting to understand your audience. Where do they get their information? What are their habits, pain points and history; and how can you and your business add value to their lives and offer a solution? Knowing the answers to these questions is a good start, beyond this, you want to ask them questions directly. Polls, Google surveys, Survey Monkey — which ever you choose make sure you ask the questions that matter and that will help steer the direction and decisions you make.

3. Be realistic & channel your strengths

Be clear on your real strengths and abilities. Map out what you do very well and see how these can transfer to your business requirements. Consider which skills you have some basic knowledge of, which with little training you could master. The things you don’t know, may need specialist skills, so get active with your network, speak to experts and ask for help. You’ll be surprised by how many people are willing to share their knowledge and expertise. Finally, outsource admin, time heavy, reward poor tasks if and where you can — you’ll thank me later.

4. Consistency is the real king

So, you’ve got a great idea, you’re ascending, learning about your audience and you’ve accepted your strengths and weaknesses. Now, you need to keep this momentum, and it might not be easy especially if you’re not seeing immediate results. The best advice I can offer is to remind yourself of why you started, several times each day. If you are truly passionate about your business and you commit to taking some sort of action towards your goals each and every day; be it adding to your strategy, looking into competitors, reaching out to connections, gathering some inspiration or simply getting more organised — you’re already on the right track. Stay active and persevere with unshakable determination!

5. Create a plan, be accountable and willing to pivot

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail” — Benjamin Franklin.

Ok, you probably don’t need a 100 page strategy when you’re just starting out, but a mission statement, clear description of your business objectives, what you offer, why you’re doing it, and how you will do it, along with the steps needed to get ‘there’ are all mandatory. Over the course of your journey, refer back to this plan, set milestones, realistic timeframes and KPI’s (Key Performance Indicators) and make yourself accountable.

In any business, you need to be flexible and adaptable to change, based on feedback, performance, your audience and the market. So be dedicated, stick to your plan but know when it’s time to pivot… and if you’re not entirely sure, speak to other startup founders, your network, experts. Again, you’ll be surprised at how willing others are to share and help elevate others.

Good luck!

Bonus Tip:

Enjoy the process, there is no need to rush. And please look after yourself. Make plenty of time for self care and relaxation as this will keep you motivated, plus it’s always delightful to reward hard work.

“Your mind will be like its habitual thoughts; for the soul becomes dyed with the color of its thoughts. Soak it then in such trains of thoughts as, for example: Where life is possible at all, a right life is possible.”

Marcus Aurelius

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ian dooley