Social Media Power-Up—A Strategy for Brand Advocacy

TL;DR If all else fails—shove a cute dog or cat on it.

These days, a trend can bloom and wilt before you’ve even caught wind of it, keeping pace isn’t enough. For brands looking to truly stand out, the real trick lies in not just riding the wave but in stirring a current so powerful, it creates its own wave. So, how exactly does a brand evolve from participant to a trendsetter in the shifting tides of social media?

The answer lies in understanding and leveraging the unique dynamics of social media for effective brand advocacy. Let’s break this down:

Social media is also a playground for creativity. Brands that dare to be different, that tell stories in a way that captivates and engages, are the ones that leave a lasting impact. This could be through innovative campaigns, interactive content, or just consistently delivering content that entertains, educates, or inspires.

Tapping into Internal Advocates

Every brand has a goldmine – its employees. According to a Nielsen study, 92% of consumers trust organic, user-generated content more than traditional advertising. When employees share content about their company, it carries a layer of authenticity and trust that can’t be replicated by conventional marketing. Encouraging your team to become brand ambassadors on social media not only amplifies your message but also humanises your brand.

  • Empowering Employees: The people within your organization are your most authentic advocates. According to Edelman’s Trust Barometer, employees rank higher in public trust than your PR department, CEO, or founder. Encouraging them to share their experiences and stories on social media lends credibility and relatability to your brand.
  • Developing Advocacy Programs: Implementing structured employee advocacy programs can amplify this effect. By providing content that is easy to share and aligns with their personal brands, employees can become powerful ambassadors for your company’s message.
  • The Power of Authenticity: Real stories from real people resonate. When employees share their work life, achievements, or even behind-the-scenes glimpses, it humanizes the brand and fosters trust among the audience.

Identifying and Riding Emerging Trends

Staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This means keeping an ear to the ground for emerging trends and conversations. Tools like Google Trends, GWI, Brandwatch, and other social listening platforms can help in identifying what’s gaining traction. But it’s not just about jumping on every bandwagon. You’ve got to find the trends that align with your brand’s ethos and use them to craft a narrative that resonates with your audience.

  • Staying Ahead of the Curve: Agility is key in social media. Utilising analytics tools to track rising trends and tailoring content to fit these trends can position your brand as a thought leader.
  • Selective Trend Adoption: It’s crucial to discern which trends align with your brand values and audience interests. Not every viral moment is suitable for every brand. The focus should be on trends that complement your brand’s narrative and ethos.
  • Creating Trend-Setting Content: Sometimes, leading a trend can be more impactful than following one. Innovative and original content that captures the zeitgeist can set your brand apart as a trendsetter.

Crafting a Strategy That Converts Followers into Fans

Engagement is the currency of social media. A Sprout Social Index highlights that when consumers feel connected to a brand, 57% will increase their spending with that brand. Building this connection requires more than just posting content; it involves engaging in meaningful conversations, addressing customer feedback, and sharing content that adds value to your audience. It’s about creating a community around your brand where followers feel seen, heard, and valued.

  • Engagement is Key: Consistent and meaningful interaction with your audience can transform passive followers into active brand advocates. This includes responding to comments, participating in relevant conversations, and acknowledging user-generated content.
  • Content That Adds Value: Providing content that is informative, entertaining, or inspirational encourages shares and discussions, increasing your brand’s reach and engagement.
  • Building a Community: Foster a sense of community by engaging in two-way conversations, asking for feedback, and creating inclusive spaces where followers feel part of your brand’s journey. Successful brands often have robust, interactive communities that amplify and advocate for the brand organically.

Social media is also a playground for creativity. Brands that dare to be different, that tell stories in a way that captivates and engages, are the ones that leave a lasting impact. This could be through innovative campaigns, interactive content, or just consistently delivering content that entertains, educates, or inspires.

In the end, social media brand advocacy is less about the hard sell and more about building genuine relationships. It’s about nurturing a voice that’s authentic, engaging, and impactful. Those who master the art of connecting genuinely and creatively with their audience are the ones who transform their followers into a loyal fanbase. It’s not just about making noise; make value that your audience wants to come back for time and again.


  • 22 December 2023

    This is a good way to go about brand advocacy. I enjoyed reading your insights. Brands must immerse with the purpose of raising advocates. Thanks for putting this up

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